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If You want to change your life you have to start with something small, and do it every day.
I wanted to create a community where we together change into happier, more loving, and healthier people. Welcome to MarlingYoga.
We're going to focus on twists again today for our 30 days detox.
Our yoga today will focus on exercises that involves twists. It helps relieve our body from tensions and toxins. The twisting yoga exercises will be the focus for the coming 30 days. It will be good for the detox.
Our Yoga session today will focus on the neck, shoulders and back.
Join my in my journey for 2023 as I start with my detox and losing weight.
Today we focus on stretching our back, hips and thighs. It helps relieves discomfort and improve flexibility.
Yoga position that helps with stress and anxiety relief - BUTTERFLY HEART AND HIP OPENER.
Yoga twists are the most detoxing things you can do so we're gonna add a twist in all our classes for this detoxing period.