It made me believe in true love...

I am very grateful to my parents. Sometimes we tend to take for granted the people around us. Now that I am a mother, it made me appreciate my parents.

I greatly admire their love and respect for each other. It is magical how they can be so different but can also be so similar. It made me believe in true love.

They had been married for over 40 years, and even with challenges and struggles, they still found a home in each other's arms.

I am also grateful that I learned that we always have the power to choose. We should not allow ourselves to be a victim in our own lives.

Our Yoga today focuses on body flexibility and strengthening

  • Cat and cow - warms the body and brings flexibility to the spine

  • Down dog - strengthens muscles in the arms, upper back and shoulders

  • Child's pose - stretch your back and muscles around your hips